Engr. (Prof.) Frank Ayoleke Ibikunle

Ayoleke Ibikunle is a Professor of Electrical Engineering and a long-standing practicing engineer of over 25 years in the industry and 14 years of academic research & teaching experience. An engineer with extensive knowledge and experience of the Nigerian Power and Renewable energy sectors, ICTs/Digital Transformations. A seasoned academic with experience in teaching and research with several article publications to his credit (journals, conference proceedings and books). He is involved in the using of data-driven and artificial Intelligence-based approaches to solving the electrical power, renewable energy and wireless communication networks challenges in the country.
He holds a Bachelor’s degree In Electrical/Electronic Engineering and a PhD degree in Information and Communications Engineering respectively. He has attended many foreign and local technical trainings, courses, conferences and workshops. Prof. Ibikunle received several professional honors/awards for his technical and multifaceted problem-solving skills, in teaching and research contributions to advances in the university, engineering and professional practices. He is a member of the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN); Corporate member of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (FNSE), Corporate member of Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM) and Fellow of Nigerian Institute of Power Engineers (FNIPE).